How To Survive Coachella
How To Survive Coachella
How To Save Money For Travel
To have some money for travel, you need to have a savings plan! I save money for travel by following the 26 and 52-week savings plans posted
25 Fun Road Trip Questions
Travel provides an excellent opportunity to learn about yourself and your loved ones! With this in mind, I've gathered together 25 of my
How To Fly Responsibly
“The Amazon is burning. Greenland is melting. Ecosystems are crashing. Emissions are accelerating.” These are just a few environmental news
10 Best Tips For Solo Travel
This page contains affiliate links meaning I earn a commission if you use those links. I only recommend products and services that I use...
How To Save Money For Travel
For my first blog post of the new year, I thought I'd share an answer to a question that I get asked quite often: "Anakée, how do you...
How To Travel More Without Quitting Your Job
While pursuing one of my favorite travel blogs - Travel Noire, I came across an article written by Jamila Justine that connects quite well t